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Q: What does non standard dependent mean?
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Is the standard deviation dependent on the mean?

Yes. Consider the definition of the standard deviation. It is the square root of the variance from the mean. As a result, it can be said that the standard deviation is dependent on the mean.

What is mean by machine dependent and indipendent?

dependent mean dependent othewise not dependent

What is Another name for type 2 diabetes is .?

It is called non-insulin-dependent Diabetes. The full term is "non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus" (NIDDM).

What does non-standard of units mean?

A non standard measurement is one in which the units are not normally used. This would be like saying something is four palms long, a palm equaling three inches.

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What does it mean to be dependent on the happiness of another?

Does standard deviation and mean deviation measure dispersion the same?

No. The average of the deviations, or mean deviation, will always be zero. The standard deviation is the average squared deviation which is usually non-zero.

Which is the dependent variable x or y?

The standard notation is to make y the dependent variable in linear regression.

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dependent variable

What is another name for diabetes 2?

It is called non-insulin-dependent Diabetes. The full term is "non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus" (NIDDM).

How do you change from standard form to slope intercept?

Solve the standard form for the dependent variable, commonly 'y'.

What does it mean to have a standard life?

The answer to this question is heavily dependent upon the condition of the country one is living in. In the United States, a "standard" or "middle class" lifestyle includes owning a house and having a white collar office job.

Under what circumstances Can a non relative be your dependent?

it depends my friend