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Q: What does nonlinear acoustics mean in audio spotlighting?
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What does nonlinear and linear mean?

Linear means anything that forms a straight line. Nonlinear means the opposite. Something that doesn't form a straight line.

What does it mean when a system of nonlinear equations has an extraneous solution?

It means you performed an operation on the system which was not invertible. This allowed you to come to a solution but that solution is not correct since it is not a proper biconditional relations. That is, you can solve it in terms of p->q but not the reverse (since the inverse operation is not possible).

Is the length of a side of a square and its area nonlinear?

I assume you mean the relationship between the length and the area. Indeed, it is non-linear. The increase in area is proportional to the square of the length of the side. For example, if the length of the side is increased by a factor of 10, the area is NOT increased by a factor of 10, but by a factor of 100.

What are some real life application of exponents and logarithms?

Logarithms are used in the royal navy in sonars They are but it's far wider than that. The application you mean is the "decibel", the 10X or 20X logarithm of the ratio of two signal intensities or powers - not just in military and commercial sonar, but in acoustics generally, and in electrical engineering such as amplifier design. The Richter Scale and the magnitude scale of star brightness are logarithmic. Common and hyperbolic logarithms crop up in many places - the latter control the expansion or compression of gas in an engine or compressor cylinder, for example. Exponents also facilitate handling very large & very small numbers by turning them into multiples of plus or minus powers of 10.

Does mean mean average?

No, but sometimes "average" means "mean" - when it doesn't mean median, geometric mean, or something else entirely.

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What does Spotlighting stand for?

The word spotlighting can have one of two meanings. Spotlighting can simply mean to illuminate with a spotlight. Another meaning is to draw attention to.

Which is the ultra sound source in audio spotlighting?

which? huh? u mean what? its an array of small piezo elements utilizing the "deformation" of sound making it highly directional. also, putting the same track ultrasound into both ears sounds like its in your head!!! (voice to skull). it has to be mono audio though. try it.

Is y equals x2 a nonlinear equation?

If you mean y = x2, then yes, it is nonlinear.

What does nonlinear and linear mean?

Linear means anything that forms a straight line. Nonlinear means the opposite. Something that doesn't form a straight line.

What does Dw db mean in acoustics?

Dw. db means weighted amount variance between rooms in acoustics. db is actually short for decibel, the unit for sound.

What do you mean by crisp input value in fuzzy logic?

nonlinear or irregular input

What does acoustic mean in one word?

Sound. Acoustics is the study of how sounds are made and move.

What does the root aud- mean?

It means to listen or hearThe syllable 'aud-' refers to hearing. It's the root to 'audio, audire', which means 'to hear, to have the power of hearing'. The verb also may mean 'to listen, to be called'.

Is this equation linear or nonlinear y2x?

If you mean y = 2x then it is a straight line equation

What does equipo de audio mean in spanish?

audio system

What does audio in latin mean?

Audio is Latin and means "to hear" in English.

What does audio on a DVD mean it says audio 1 audio 2 audio 3?

This are the different audio streams, on a DVD there can be different Audiostreams for example the language stream in English represents audio 1, spanish audio 2 french audio 3 and German audio 4 and so on.