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Q: What does normal gammma polyclonal immunoglobulin mean?
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What does the medical abbreviation IgA mean?

IgA stands for immunoglobulin A.

What does the medical abbreviation UTSI mean?

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What does 1.73m2 mean polyclonal gamma globulin?

refers to standarized body surace area used to normalize all variabes for an average 70 kg man.

What do you mean by Rheumatoid arthritis factor?

Rheumatoid factor (RF or RhF) is an antibody that attacs an organism's own tissue. omos often found in About 80% of people with rheumatoid arthritis have detectable rheumatoid factor. Those who do not are said to be "seronegative".Rheumatoid factor can also be a (antibody that precipitates on cooling of a blood sample); it can be either type 2 (monoclonal IgM to polyclonal IgG) or 3 (polyclonal IgM to polyclonal IgG)

What does immunoglobulin mean?

Immunoglobulin refers to a type of protein produced by white blood cells called plasma cells. These proteins are part of the immune system and play a key role in recognizing and fighting off foreign substances such as bacteria and viruses.

What does elevated immunoglobulin g mean?

Elevated IgG4 levels will sometimes point to allergic diseases, asthma and cystic fibrosis. Without knowing more about other lab results, it is impossible to discern a specific problem just from an elevated IgG level. Some people also just tend to have normal levels on the outlying edges of laboratory normal.

What does an elevated immunoglobulin A Qn Serum indicate?

The test that is ordered by Doctor to check protein levels. There are a number of other factors included in these test. Including checking for Celiac disease.

What does it mean when you have low levels of Immunoglobulin G Qn Serum?

what does it mean when my IGM is low at 28L

The mean of a standard normal distribution is?

The mean of a standard normal distribution is 0.

What Percent of data is below the mean in a normal distribution?

In the normal distribution, the mean and median coincide, and 50% of the data are below the mean.