Obscenities are words, phrases, or actions that are not considered polite. They usually deal with sexual connotations and are not allowed on most web sites. Use of obscenities in some situations can lead to fines and even jail time.
The word obscene originally dealt with scenes, or things that could be seen. It now has a wider connotation and can mean some situation that we find disgusting or simply unacceptable to intelligent humans, such as the way the governments of developed nations, because of political or trading relationships, do so little to help starving refugees, or the supply of pharmaceuticals to third world people or to stop the exploitation of children. One may find war obscene, because most wars are not inevitable, but stem from greed and abuse of privilege.
No, but sometimes "average" means "mean" - when it doesn't mean median, geometric mean, or something else entirely.
The answer will depend on who you mean by HE.The answer will depend on who you mean by HE.The answer will depend on who you mean by HE.The answer will depend on who you mean by HE.
There is no statistical term such as "deviation mean".
See mean-8. Or get a dictionary.
The mathematical term for "mean" is "mean".The popular, or colloquial term for "mean" is "average".
roughly, simply, basically, coarsely, vulgarly, crassly, obscenely, lewdly
effigy; a crude figure representing a hated person.
No a billion is a thousand million. Yes. A millionaire is merely rich, but a billionaire is obscenely rich.
He explodes
Yes, with severe wage cuts, horrific living conditions, and obscenely long hours.
You can't. Keyword here is 'reasonably priced' ..it is obscenely expensive like $20 a day
Because most of them made money in the market that day whether it went up or down...PLUS their salaries are almost certainly obscenely high in contrast to whatever their value or performance really is to the company they own or work for!! Fat Cat privilege and entitlement!! Many, not all, of these people are why this world is as corrupt and obscenely money-loving as it is!
The decomposition of hydrogen peroxide is exothermic because it releases heat as the reaction proceeds.
Jon Spiro is an obscenely rich and shady businessman from Chicago. He owns his own communications company 'Fission Chips'. He tries to buy the C Cube, when Artemis does not sell, Spiro steals it.Arty rocks!P.S. His name is Artemis Fowl.
Jackson was the first Democratic president, and he's on the $20. Franklin Roosevelt is on the dime. Many Democrats look to Jefferson as the founder of the party, although he was a Democratic-Republican. He's on the nickel. Grover Cleveland might be on some obscure and obscenely high amount.
It's as if he expects the world to give him a standing ovation for the most modest of triumphs, like graduating high school, and not going to prison.He was not modest enough to cut the crowd off, and they adored him too much to stop, so the ovation continued for an obscenely long time before he finally began to speak.