

What does ordered data mean?

Updated: 11/5/2022
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7y ago

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It is a set of data in which the position of the numbers matters. For example, the coordinate of a point in a Cartesian plane is an ordered pair. This is because the points (1, 10) and (10, 1) are quite different. The first is much further to the right while the second is higher up.

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Q: What does ordered data mean?
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It is ordered data.

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Ordered data is pretty simple. It is data which is measured (or found from a test) in ordinal types of measurement. E.G. 1 cat, 2 cats, 3 cats etc.

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Not necessarily. If the data are not ordered by size, it could be anywhere in the data set. If the data are ordered, it could be the last. But equally, it could be the first. Also, it could be the last two, three etc, or one from each end. Essentially, an outlier is a value that is an "abnormal" distance from the "middle". The middle may be the median or the mean of the data set (usually not the mode). The "abnormal" distance is generally defined in terms of a multiple of the interquartile range (when median is used) or standard deviation (when the mean is used).

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