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The point in a Cartesian coordinate system where the axes intersect. On a 2-D graph, for example, this is where x and y equal zero.

also the point (0,0) on a graph

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Q: What does origin mean in the MATH way?
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What does the term origin mean in math?

the point (0,0) on a graph

What does about the origin mean in math terms?

The place of 0o , in the very center, the origin on a coordinate plane, line, etc.

What does method mean in math?

A Way of doing something a Math. Example: The Prime Factorization Method.

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It has the same meaning as it does in ordinary English: "in what way?"

What does term to term mean in maths?

it means more like meanings EX:what does mean mean in math meanings or what does mean mean in math terms . so its more like a different way to say it

What is the math term for the coordinates 00?

The origin.

What is the origin of the word 'math'?

Math is short for mathematics; this word is based on the Greek mathema meaning learning, study, science. It developed to specifically mean the science of calculation in the sense we use it today.

What is the point of origin in math?

the point of origin is the center of a cartegian graph. The (x,y) of the point of origin is always (0,0).

What is math (00) mean?

On the Cartesian plane (0, 0) is the point of origin where the x and y axes intersect each other at 90 degrees.

What does origin in math?

The origin of math can be traced back to Egyptian mathematicians during 2000-1800 BC. Pythagoreans is the one that coined the term mathematics in the 6th century BC.

What does counterclockwise mean in math?

in the opposite direction to the way in which the hands of a clock move around.

What does Devon mean in Cherokee language?

It does not mean anything because the name is European in origin; Cherokee does not translate directly in that way.