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Parallel is usually used to talk about lines or similar it means they are equal distance apart.

For example railway tracks are parallel.

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Q: What does parelell mean?
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An equal sign with a squiggly line over the top of it.

What are parelell lines?

Parallel lines are 2 long straight lines that don't touch each other

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maybe its something parelell

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A trapezoid, although not all trapezoids will have two right angles. See the related link for a picture.

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Quite a lot of shapes have two sets of parallel lines including a square, rectangle and rhombus. These, note, are all quadrilaterals.

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You conect them in parelell. Positive to positive, negative to negative, with either a 12 or 6 volt system. if you conect them in series you will double the voltage.

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Lines of latitude are called parallels, because just like parallel lines on a flat surface, any two of them are always the same distance apart and never cross each other.

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A regular pentagon has no pairs of parallel sides.

Why are doors rectangular?

If the door is circle, you will have to bent down in order to come out of the room[or even the house].Same as if the door is square. this is what the person before me said. i am improving answer. only because i say..... why not make the square huge? well, as you know, humans are of different sizes, so we can't have a door perfect for your body cos that would be cramped and imagine inviting ppl over! so, instead, architects look for something resembling our body shape. we have(more or less): 1 pair of parelell sides that are the same length 1 pair of parelell sides that are the same length..... what shape is the same? RECTANGLE! though my granny has a oval door. i have to step up into the house. anyway, my friend has a square door though it uses up space. why pay for more wood? it looks....weird. different, i guess.