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the peak

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Laverna Schroeder

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2y ago
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Q: What does peaked mean in math?
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Tired to the point of exhaustion. "Yer looking a might peaked this morning."

Can you use peaked in a sentence?

My happiness peaked when Colin smiled at me.

Is peaks an adjective?

NO! If you mean peaks as in mountain peak, it's a noun. If you mean peaks as in her voice peaked, itš a verb.

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Coming from the poem, "The Highwayman", by Alfred Noyes. "His face was white and peaked" means he was scared of the thought of losing his love to a stranger, and he was listening closely to ever word.

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The stocks had peaked two months ago.

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What does peaked mean?

The highest point on the mountainThe dictionary definition of the noun "peak" is: crest, pinnacle, apex, crown, cap.

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It peaked at #1

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