

What does peniel mean?

Updated: 12/20/2022
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βˆ™ 14y ago

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The face of God

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Q: What does peniel mean?
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What is the meaning of piniel?

Piniel is homophonous with peniel. It is likely they are the same meaning, since sounding them out they are the same. Unlike soared and sword, or eight and ate, piniel, peniel and pineal all are the same but only pineal is distinctly defined. Pineal is the gland in the center of the head where Descartes philosophized the soul interacts with the body, and in yogic practice is called the third eye. This ties into piniel/peniel. Peniel is ancient Hebrew for "the face of God," so called since Peniel is the mountain Jacob wrestled with a man he identified as God, and named the mountain "the face of God" to commemorate the experience. In meditation, the sensation of the divine can be achieved where you touch can the face of God--through your pineal gland. I have even read Descartes discovered and named the gland pineal, presumably after "the face of God," since this is the experience of centering energy through concerted effort from there. However, official sources claim it comes from "pinea", Latin for cone-shaped, since this describes the shape of the gland. The root of pineal is pinea; the root of piniel looks to be peniel. I advocate they are the same and the pinea Latin aspect was added later to cover the "face of God" aspect in our pineal gland.

How did the pineal gland get its name?

It wouldn't surprise me if it is named after the passage in scripture that describes the account of Jacob wrestling with an angel. Genesis 32:30 says, "Hence Jacob called the name of the place Peniel, because, to quote him, 'I have seen God face to face and yet my soul was delivered.'" Peniel (or, Penuel) means "Face of God", and given the mysteries that are tied up with this gland, it would seem that whoever named it thought this was a fitting name.

Where does Jacob reunite with Esau?

Peniel (Genesis 32:30 - 33:1) known as the "face of God", is a place not far from Succoth, on the east of the Jordan River, and north of the Jabbok River. It is also called Penuel.

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Who is Ebey Soman?

Ebey Soman is a online content producer. He is active with many charities and organizations that stand for certain causes such as ONE Campaign, STAND, Save Darfur, Peniel Revival Ministries, Amnesty International, ChildFund International and many more. You can easily see tons of articles, content and other works by him if you can Google his pen name "EBEY SOMAN"

When Jacob wrestled with the angel what does this represent?

Although modern English translations often use the word 'angel', Jacob did not wrestle with an angel, but with a god - el. In an ancient tradition inserted into the life story of Jacob, he was left alone and wrestled all night until the break of day, when his opponent said he must leave (Genesis 32:24ff). Jacob received the new name 'Israel' (generally assumed to mean "wrestled with God') and he named the place Peniel ('the face of God') because he had seen God face to face. No, this was not an angel.There is evidence in the Bible itself that Jacob was originally a moon god, long before his story evolved into that of a patriarch, so this story represents the daily struggle in which the sun god defeats the moon god at dawn.

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Francis Raworth is known for being the translator of several works by French philosopher RenΓ© Descartes. He translated Descartes' "Meditations on First Philosophy" and "Principles of Philosophy" into English.