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Q: What does perpendicular to the attic floor joists mean?
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Using the spelling of garret, the word refers to a small room on the top floor of a building. An example of this is an attic that is found in most homes.

In math what does perpendicular mean?

Perpendicular means that two lines intersect like an X but its just perpendicular

What is stored in the attic of Shakespeare's theater?

If you mean Shakespeare's Globe Theatre, which was built in 1997, it doesn't have an attic.

What does perpendicular mean mathematically?

two lines that intersect at 90 degrees are perpendicular ex +

What do you mean by false ceiling n which ceiling is suitable to wch room?

A false ceiling is a ceiling which is lower than the real ceiling attached to the joists. False ceilings are often used in kitchens and on the first floors of houses with different tenants living on the second floor.

What is le grenier mean in English?

the attic (under the roof)

What does un grenier mean?

un grenier is an attic in French.

What is the slope of perpendicular line y-13x?

If you mean y = -13x then the slope of the line perpendicular to it is 1/13

What does the term perpendicular lines mean?

Perpendicular lines are two lines that intersect to form four right angles.

I live in an attic apartment on the third floor it is alwys hot up here even when its cold its hot. Now that its summer itslike an oven.Is there a temperature an apt needs to be at in summer?

If you mean legally, no. You are responsible for getting an air conditioner, not the landlord.

Is a hexagon perpendicular?

It has no right angles, so if that is what you mean, no, it is not.

What does an upside-down T mean?

It is the symbol for 'perpendicular'.