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personification means the represent a quality or idea

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Q: What does personifacation mean?
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What would be a good example of personifacation for a tree?

Example:the tree danced in the wind

What is the meaning of the personifacation?

Personification is a figure of speech where a composer has given human qualities to an object or animal.

What about the technique doid Jessie pope use?

she used, imperative(direct command), emotive language, personifacation, propoganda and rhetorical question.

Can you give me an example of a personifacation?

personification is giving human qualities to non-living objects like " the leafs danced all the way to the ground"

Could someone write you a personifacation?

Yes, they could write down how something looks, or what it's nature is. It is basically describing something to you in writing.

Is personifacation a metaphor?

Yes. Both personification and a metaphor are rhetorical figures of speech and literary terms. Personification is when something inanimate is given human traits or "personal" traits.

What is of fast maps?

o= onomatophiea f= fallacy f= five senses a= alliteration s= simile t= triplet m= metophor a=adjectives and adverbs p= personifacation s= sentence sructure

What is personifacation?

Personification-giving a non living thing or animal human quality(s)

What is a personifacation about a tree?

Personification: describing something that isn't human, with human quality or emotions.