People employed in an organization or engaged in an organized undertaking such as military service.
The actual question should be: Because of the magnitude of destruction caused by a nuclear explosion, it is anticipated that a number of personnel will also suffer _______ effects. the answer is: B. Psychological
The eight lines of a sitrep include:DTGEnemy ActivityFriendly LocationsStatus Combat VicDefensive Obstacles, Demo TargetsColor Codes, Strength, Personnel on Hand, Personnel AssignedClass 3 and Class 5Summary Tactical Intention
Provide personnel, equipment, liaison and expertise for deploying and deployed forces.
What do you mean by payroll in personnel management?"
"What does personnel mean?"(Parkjammer )
The personnel in any company consists of the people who work there. The employees are the personnel. In a hospital, personnel is everyone from the doctors and nurses to the people who do the billing.
le travail scolaire personnel is 'personal homework'.
The entire kitchen personnel.
It can mean Personnel Computer or Political Correct or even Practicing Council
it means a milatary person or iraq or quade.
Organization, personnel, or staff. Those words mean cadre.
Using personnel in the most efficient manner possible.
protection means saving the equipment or material or personnel from damge.
Personnel Transportation
protection means saving the equipment or material or personnel from damge.