An area with definite or indefinite boundaries; a portion of space.
It mean describe the place that the number is in. For example you have 54,325, and you have to identify the place value for the three you would say the place value of the three is hundreds because it is in the hundreds place.
It represents the tenths place.
The place where the number is in.Example: Which place value is two in?542Answer: ones
It is the place that is one position to the right of the decimal point.
Rounded to the tenths' place.23.49=23.54.9
I need what is the decimal place is mean
Place could mean 2 things. One the place where you are, and two like your place in a competition for example first place, second place.
decimal place
Place could mean 2 things. One the place where you are, and two like your place in a competition for example first place, second place.
to move from place to place
What does it mean to talk about place
Dis place as opposed to dat place.
Dis place as opposed to dat place.
A person who walks from place to place.
no win and place mean 2 diffrent things
Fire Place Fire Place