The number is ... thousand, three hundred and twenty seven. So the place value of 3 is hundreds.
There is no underlined digit. If there was it would be that digit multiplied by 10n-1 where n is the number of the digit as counted from the right hand end, starting at 1.
Place value of 3 in 309812 is 300000 but its face value is 3
Its positional place value is 3/1000 = three thousandths
The place value of 3 represents 30,000 = thirty thousand
That is the tens place, so it has a value of 3*10=30.
There is no underlined digit. If there was it would be that digit multiplied by 10n-1 where n is the number of the digit as counted from the right hand end, starting at 1.
The 3 is in the tens place, with a value of 30.
3 is in hundreds place.
The value of 3 in 236,157 is 30,000.If the topic is about place value then,Ten-thousands is the place value of 3.Definition of Place Value: Place value is the value given to the place or position of a digit in a number.Note:7 – Units place5 – Tens place.1 – Hundreds place.6 – Thousands place.2 – Hundred thousands.Source:
The place value of the 3 in 34.972 is three tens.
Place value of 3 in 309812 is 300000 but its face value is 3
Place value of 4 is 1 (one) Place value of 6 is 10 (ten) Place value of 7 is 100 (hundred) Place value of 3 is 1000 (thousand) Place value of 9 is 10000 (ten thousand)
Well, darling, the place value of 3 in 301 is 30. Why? Because 3 is in the tens place, which represents 30. So, there you have it, simple as that.
What is the place value of 3 in 2.35
Its positional place value is 3/1000 = three thousandths
The place value of 3 represents 30,000 = thirty thousand
That is the tens place, so it has a value of 3*10=30.