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Suppose you are considering the assassination of some politician. You can think of various ways of accomplishing this. No matter what you do some people will blame you. However, by killing the politician in one or two of the available ways it will appear that other people could be blamed. You will choose the assassination method that makes it easiest to believe that someone else did the crime, and that you did not.

You are preparing to be able to deny your association with the crime and you are also trying to make this denial believable, or plausible.

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Q: What does plausible deniability mean?
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What is Plausible Deniability?

it is when you smack a retard and kick herPlausible Deniability is a political term that says you can do something which will be easily denied and that denial will be taken as the truth by most people who do not have the intellect to realize that the denial is a lie, which is most people in a poorly educated population. This concept was originally considered when the Nazi party came into power in Germany in 1933. Paul Joseph Goebbels was a German politician and Reich Minister of Propaganda in Nazi Germany from 1933 to 1945. He developed the concept of Plausible Deniability when he issued the command, "Lie! Lie! lie! and they will believe you." This concept seems to have become popular again in our era by Karl Rove, the Senior Advisor and Deputy Chief of Staff for the George Walker Bush Administration.

What is culpable deniability?

The official policy of the Obama Administration

What does plausible mean?

Having an appearance of truth or reason; seemingly worthy of approval or acceptance; credible; believable. Sample: a plausible excuse. ===== it's referring to whether something is true or not. Plausible is in between true and false because it's hard to prove which one it really is.

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TrueCrypt is a free, open source encryption software. While they do request a donation, the software is free, and a donation is not required. TrueCrypt goes the extra mile and offers "Plausible Deniability." If you are forced to give out your password, your important data can be hidden in a separate area, and all they will see is meaningless data.

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The rhetorical device that protects a claim from criticism by giving the speaker an out is called weaseling. Weaseling involves giving vague answers or adding qualifiers that suggest they may be wrong, which affords plausible deniability to the speaker.

Why did the flying tigers fight against japan?

The Flying Tigers , though piloted by Americans , were part of the Chinese air-force which was at war with the Japanese . The 1st American Volunteer Group was a means by which the America government (not yet at war with Japan )could support the Chinese in their war with Japan without being directly associated with the AVG - plausible deniability .

What is a good sentence for the word plausible?

If you mean "use the word 'plausible' in a sentience" there here you:Dad: Do you want to go skiing today?Son: I'm feeling kind of sick, but ill rest a little then ill decideDad: OK, let me know if its a plausible decision

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A synonym for plausible is possible.

What nation ceased to exist after it was divided between Germany and soviet union?

Hitler and Stallin agreed to split Poland in half, but then Hitler re-nagged on the deal and took the whole thing anyways. He didn't rename it though, so technically it still existed under Nazi control. It's also where he put many of the death camps for plausible deniability purposes.

What does specious mean?

"Specious" means "seemingly well-reasoned, plausible and true, but actually untrue".

How to use plausible in sentence?

Her story sounded completely plausible.

When was Plausible Denial created?

Plausible Denial was created in 1991.