it means you put a dot on the graph where they tell you to.
I possibly think iys mean when you put a set of date together and make it into a line plot for example, 22,23,34,11,2,345,67 that's a line plot
Yes, it does exist. And the question is ...
It means something good or the best part in a book or movie or something with a plot
what your counting
A plot is simply a graph.
You question is very vague. Do you mean the plot or the basic concept of playing a Pokemon game?
This is not a question.
the answer to this question would be plot.
it means you put a dot on the graph where they tell you to.
No, it does not.
a plot
I possibly think iys mean when you put a set of date together and make it into a line plot for example, 22,23,34,11,2,345,67 that's a line plot
THE DOLL by Egmidio Enriquez
A plot is what happens in a story. Creating a plot is what you do when you think up what's going to happen.
a plot poem is a poem that has a plot, and seems to have a storyline as it goes through.
The plot summary is the brief outline of what happens in a story.