N.K.A before a signature means "now known as."
What it means if it is a signature is that a person should have read and then agreed to the conditions on the paper. A signature usually indicates that a person understands and agrees with a document.
Put Out *Pickoff
5/3 on a time signature does not exist. you cannot have an odd number at the bottom of a time signature there is no such note value of 3
It means that five notes are sharp in the piece.
If you mean this: © then it means 'copyright'.
The design is usually the makers 'signature' - the 14K is the purity of the gold.
That is the North Carolina state flag next to Dale Jr's signature. That is his home state.
kai po che will release january 11 next year....
PO-by mouth q-every
po (פה) = "here"
PO stands for purchase order
No, "po po" does not have a specific meaning in Greek. It is not a Greek word or phrase.
its mean With you and me
I`am trying to find out what it mean. what dose it mean?
Not often.
"Kini Po Po" means "urinary incontinence" in English.