figure math means figure math
Math is made of numbers and variables. Most things in the world involve math. To me, it means numbers and numbers -- nothing else.
it means that it is something about math
In math, the definition of a location is a point. A point gives a specific position or location on a plane surface.
It means that the variable of interest appears as a power in the expression. So, for example, 3x is exponential but x3 is merely cubic. The distinction depends on the position of x.
No, my position is supported by a chair!
the position of a figure in a series indicated in decimal or similar notation, especially one after the decimal point
It means the same in math as it means else where--it means not reasonable. If you show mathematical steps that are not reasonable to solve a math problem or show a math proof, then your math is unreasonable.
In math it means 2 4 6 8 and not math means equal
figure math means figure math
Uni- means "one" in math.
In math decrease means minus and increase means plus
you don't have a zero exponent in math.
Math is made of numbers and variables. Most things in the world involve math. To me, it means numbers and numbers -- nothing else.
intensive math means your one level behind regular math
H2S positive bacteria are able to metabolise sulfurhydrogen.
contant means nothing ibn math or ibn any othre sujbect.