All composite numbers can be expressed as unique products of prime numbers. This is accomplished by dividing the original number and its factors by prime numbers until all the factors are prime. A factor tree can help you visualize this.
Example: 210
210 Divide by two.
105,2 Divide by three.
35,3,2 Divide by five.
7,5,3,2 Stop. All the factors are prime.
2 x 3 x 5 x 7 = 210
That's the prime factorization of 210.
There is no simple way of factorising AB - CD
Solve the equation - by whatever means available to you: factorising, graphical, numerical approximations, etc.
No, but if you mean 2 and 23 then they are both prime numbers
If you mean 314159 then it is a prime number
no bloody clue
Expanding Brackets
Factorising 15x-27xy gives 3x (5 - 9y).Factorising is to express a number or expression as a product of factors.When factorising always look for common factors. To factorise (15x-27xy) look for the highest factor between the two terms (3x). 15x - 27y = 3x (5 - 9y)
There is no simple way of factorising AB - CD
No, it is not. It is factorising - which is more related to dividing.
In factorising division is used . It is used in opposite cases concern with multipling
a prime #
Multiply the factors together. If the answer is the number you were factorising, the process checks out and if not, there is an error.
You mean prime factors?