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Q: What does problem solving facilitate as a win-win approach where you treat conflict as a problem to be solved instead of a fight that is won or lost?
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Basic types of conflict in psychology-?

Aproach-approach conflict: a choice must be made between two attractive goals. The problem is that you can choose just one of the two goals Avoidance-aviodance conflict: a choice must be made between two unattractive goals. ("caught between a rock and a hard place") Approach-avoidance conflict: a choice must be made about whether to pursue a single goal that has both attractive and unattractive aspects.

Approach to be followed during conflict situations?

Approach to be followed in conflict resolution include problem identification, providing different options, choosing the best solution, agreement between the parties involved, implementation of the solution and making a follow up. Different conflict resolution methods may be used.

What is the main conflict facing the uncles in the story A Problem?

The main conflict facing the uncles in the story "A Problem" is their inability to decide on a plan of action when faced with the mysterious problem of Bridgenorth being cursed. They struggle with conflicting ideas on how to approach the situation and find a solution, leading to tension and uncertainty among them.

What is a problem or conflict?

The conflict is the problem of the story(is the main problem from the story)

What is conflict or problem?

The conflict is the problem of the story(is the main problem from the story)

problem conflict the character faces?

problem conflict the character faces

What is the conflict in a story?

The problem in a story is also known as the conflict.

What is the problem in a story called?

The problem in any story is known as the conflict.

Types of conflicts in psychology?

The basic types of conflict in Psychology includes the approach-approach conflict,single approach-avoidance conflict,double approach conflicts and avoidance avoidance conflict.

What does turnkey approach mean?

It is an approach to find solutions to a felt problem, in which all possible options for solving the problem will be presented. See cafeteria approach..

What does reading conflict mean?

Conflict mean what's the problem in the Reading or any king of problem

What does conflict mean in reading?

Conflict mean what's the problem in the Reading or any king of problem