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Provisional contracts means temporary contracts with a temporary agreement and against the contract the work order is also issued temporarily for a perticular period of time for the interest of the work.

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16y ago

It means until or unless circumstances require some other disposition. A provisional government, for example, rules until a formally constituted government can take over.

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What does provisionally approved mean?

it means that it has been authorised by the relevant body

Why did the provisionally government fail?

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A provisionally reactive HIV test is one that may indicate HIV, but requires additional testing to confirm the diagnosis. Not all provisionally reactive HIV tests indicate infection with HIV.

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For a hypothesis to be put forward as a scientific hypothesis, the scientific method requires that one can test it. A working hypothesis is a provisionally accepted hypothesis proposed for further research.

What is a provisional contract?

a contract is said to be provisional when the contract is done provisionally with a provisional agreement and against the contract the work order also issued provisiolally.

If a nursing program has been provisionally approved what does that mean Is your degree valid from that program?

It is never a guarantee. It means just what it says, it's provisional meaning provided the school meets certain standards and criteria. If they do not follow through they may lose the approval by what ever agency is providing it.

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Arthur's last battle is usually reckoned to be Camlann - provisionally dated to 537 AD.

Is visionally an adverb?

Yes. The word visionally is an adverb, but it means "as if in a vision."The word "visually" (done by sight) is an adverb.The word "provisionally" (done for the interim) is an adverb.

What are the six hallogens?

The stable halogens that occur in nature areFluorineChlorineBromineIodineAstatine.The artificially created element 117, provisionally referred to by the systematicname ununseptium, may also be a halogen.

The population of espana?

Spain's population at the time of their most recent census, 1 Nov 2011, was 46,815,915. The UN provisionally estimates that by 2013 their population had dropped to 46,609,657.

What does Mayor Pro Tem mean?

Pro tem is short for pro tempore, meaning "temporarily" or "provisionally".Thus a Mayor pro tem is a person serving in that position for a limited time pending the ordinary mayor's return, or as a provisional replacement until a new election or appointment is made.

What is an ansatz?

An ansatz is a mathematical assumption used to describe a certain phenomenon, in order to provisionally solve an equation or some other problem.In the original German, an Ansatz is a approach, attempt, or starting point.