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Q: What does pt in urine specimen stand for?
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What are Nine types of urine specimens that can be collected?

Random urine sample First morning urine sample Midstream clean-catch urine sample 24-hour urine collection Timed urine sample Postprandial urine sample Suprapubic aspiration specimen Catheterized urine specimen Pediatric urine bag specimen

Should you centrifuge a PT INR blood specimen?

Yes, it is recommended to centrifuge a PT INR blood specimen to separate the plasma from the cells. This will help ensure accurate results when measuring the prothrombin time (PT) and international normalized ratio (INR).

What does PT stand for in PT?

Patrol Torpedo

Which type of urine specimen is needed to detect an infection?

Typically midstream urine is taken as a urinary specimen, when you have urinary tract infection. It is good precaution to scrub the genital area with some mild soap like glycerin soap, before you take the urine specimen.

What is meant by cath spec?

A "cath spec" is a catheterized urine specimen. Most urine specimens are voided specimens when the patient attempt to collect the urine while voiding. The risk of contaminating a voided specimen, with skin bacteria, is high even when the patient is careful. Therefore, a catheterized urine specimen is considered a reliable urine sample.

What does PT stand for in PT boat?

Patrol Torpedo

What is a random urine specimen?

A random urine specimen is a urine sample collected at any time without following a specific time schedule or fasting requirement. This type of specimen is commonly used for routine screenings or as a general sample to check for various medical conditions.

Is a microbiology test done with a urine specimen?

yes, example of urine culture and sensitivity.

What occurs if a urine specimen is allowed to stand for more than one hour at room temperature?

if left for long enough, it will probably crystallise.

Will you have a urine test when being sued for child support?

Genetic testing does not require a urine specimen.

What is the preferred urine specimen for microscopic examination of urine sediment?

Using a standardized Urinalysis System

What does pt stand for in cooking?

Pt stands for Pint, as in a pint of water