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It is internet for OWNED -- people type P instead of O because the letters are next to one another, and internet geeks started spelling OWN as PWN on purpose as part of "Leet Speek."

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15y ago

it obviouslly means pwnd

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What is pwnd?

Pwnd can also be pownd it means owned like. Example.

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An 11 year old boy Ismael meets. Sadly, he gets PWND in his first battle :(

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Probably Impiral Officers. The ewoks Pwnd them. And anyway, only dark, evil minds could hate ewoks.

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Because they wanted better transporation instead of riding animals like horses and walking. Also because they wanted too! PWND

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are you kidding me that loser anuj could never win or i actually think gaurav will get pwnd at ping pong anuj rules!!!!!!!!!!!

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IN order to get a Ringmaster suite you must complete everything in the circus, and do the quest "while Guthix Sleeps" Then you have to get 99 slayer And realize i didnt answer your question rof pwnd

Do more people use the chat room slang for 'owned' as 'poned' or 'pwnd'?

It's "pwned" - it started as a mis-typing of the word "owned" where you hit the P instead of the O key.