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A Qualitative observation is an observation that is found using data without numbers. (hence the term quality instead of quantity which is quantitative)

Ex: the dog is brown

This orange has a peel

People har hair

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12y ago

Making an observation of somthing based on its characteristics rather than a number.

For example: The rock was hard

NONEXAMPLE:There were five rocks

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Q: What does qualitative observation mean?
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What is qualitative observation?

A qualitative observation is used in chemistry, and is simply observing physical changes.

What qualitative observation?

A qualitative observation is used in chemistry, and is simply observing physical changes.

Define the type of observation of a qualitative observation?

a quatitive observation is a observation that you can look at

What is a qualitative observation for a penny?

A qualitative observation for a penny could be that it is round, small, and made of metal.

What are the two kinds of observation describe?

qualitative observation and quantitative observation

What the two kind of observation?

the two kinds of observation are: quatitative observation and: qualitative observation

What are the two kind of observation?

the two kinds of observation are: quatitative observation and: qualitative observation

What are the two kinds of observation describe each?

qualitative observation and quantitative observation

Is an empirical evidence the same as a qualitative observation?

No, empirical evidence is based on observation and inference. Qualitative observation is an observation of the qualities of an object. Quantitative observation, on the other hand, is an observation based on some sort of numerical measurement of the object.

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What is a descriptive observation?

its a qualitative :) hehehehe

An observation which does not contain a measurement is said to be what?

An observation that does not involve a measurement is considered to be qualitative. This type of observation typically involves descriptions, characteristics, or properties of objects or phenomena rather than numerical values.