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Q: What does rebelled mean in historical terms?
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Terms for who rebelled against Romans authority?

its is the zealots

What does historical terms mean?

Historical terms are words/phrases (names/places/etc) that have importance/significance in their own historical context. A historical term for the Reformation period in Europe would, for example, be the Holy Roman Empire.

Is China developed?

Yes. In geographical terms, historical terms and social terms

What is historical terms and concepts?

History is a lie.

Is the CE mark acceptable for imports to China?

The initals CE generally mean Common Era in historical terms. I am not sure what you intend for their meaning in an import.

What does the word democracy mean in historical terms?

It comes from the Ancient Greek words demos (people) and kratos (power) and means power of the people or people power.

Who rebelled the Assyrians?

The Chaldeans rebelled against the Assyrians.

Who rebelled against the Assyrians?

The Chaldeans rebelled against the Assyrians.

What is rebelled in slavery?

so rebelled in slavery was something i forgot

The who rebelled against the Assyrians?

The Chaldeans rebelled against the Assyrians.

Is rebelled a word?

Yes. You could have a sentence like: The prisoners rebelled.

What does about mean in mathematical terms?

about in mathematical terms mean to round!