Sales price = 80% of regular priceso, 80/100*regular price = 239.20on solving we get regular price = 299
The regular price is $139.68
So the $1600 represents 80% of the regular price, which is at $200 for each 10%. 100% would be $2,000.
325$(regular price) - 0.36 x (regular price) = 2080.64 x (regular price) = 208(regular price) = 208 / 0.64(regular price) = 325
Sales price is 95 % of regular price so, 95/100*regular price = 24.70 on solving regular price = 26
The sales price is 70 percent of regular price , so 70/100*regular price = sales price (47.60)on solving we get regular price = 68
Sales price = 80% of regular priceso, 80/100*regular price = 239.20on solving we get regular price = 299
The regular price of an item is the non-sale price of that item.
The regular price is $26.00
The regular price is $139.68
The best sale price is 0.90 when saving if the regular price is 1.00.
The regular price is $750.00
So the $1600 represents 80% of the regular price, which is at $200 for each 10%. 100% would be $2,000.