Do you mean ''What does the AUM Mantra mean?''
No, but sometimes "average" means "mean" - when it doesn't mean median, geometric mean, or something else entirely.
The answer will depend on who you mean by HE.The answer will depend on who you mean by HE.The answer will depend on who you mean by HE.The answer will depend on who you mean by HE.
There is no statistical term such as "deviation mean".
See mean-8. Or get a dictionary.
Remi Poppe's birth name is Remi Jean Louis Poppe.
Segun Remi's birth name is Kehinde Segun Remi Akiremi.
Remi is a unique, beuatiful, French name. No remi is a gay name Hi Josh!!!
Remi Spencer is 5' 4".
Remi Johansen was born in 1988.
Remi Schrijnen was born in 1921.
Remi Rabenirina was born in 1938.
Remi Vermeiren was born in 1940.
Alexandre Remi was born in 1809.
Alexandre Remi died in 1871.
Remi Nadeau was born in 1920.
Remi Lescrauwaet was born in 1915.