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Q: What does rendar mean as used in devils arithmetic?
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What are the uses of Arithmetic Mean?

The arithmetic mean is used in fields like statistics and economics. The arithmetic mean is the average of a group of numbers. It can be used to find test averages for students and in sports to find player averages

What is arithmetic mean number?

The mean of the numbers a1, a2, ..., an is equal to (a1 + a2 + ..., + an)/n. This number is used mostly as the average. It is called the arithmetic mean.

Is it the arithmetic mean or weighted mean that is more accurate Why?

The arithmetic mean and the weighted mean are used in different situations. The arithmetic mean is used in frequencies as a general average. The weighted mean is used when different factors contribute to some kind of total for example with weighted index numbers. It is not a matter of accuracy it involves using the right mean in the right situation. Almost always (if not always) a question will specify which mean to use.

What does the yiddish word rendar mean?

I understand your question to mean that you're looking for the English meaning of the Yiddish word "rendar". -- A scan of three on-line Yiddish dictionaries (which you might have done for yourself) found no entries for Yiddish words beginning with Roman characters 'REN..." or "RAN...", except "Rentsl" (suitcase). -- This contributor, while certainly not fluent, has had something over 50 years' continuous contact and experience with Yiddish, and used it to get around Israel on two trips in the 1960s. The Yiddish "rendar" means nothing to me, and rings no bell. Its closest approach to anything resembling a tinkle is in relation to these: 'rind' (rhymes with 'pinned') . . . head of cattle 'rinder' or 'rinderns' . . . a beef herd 'rindflaysh' . . . beef (meat)

Are Tasmanian devils used for sports?

No. Tasmanian devils are certainly not used for sports.

What is the mathematical definition of means?

They are averages of different kinds: arithmetic mean, geometric mean, harmonic mean are three commonly used means.

Why is the Tasmanian devil so mean?

Tasmanian devils are not "mean". This term is used to describe a human characteristic. Generally, Tasmanian devils are shy and reclusive, and they avoid confrontations. However, they can be aggressive when they sense a threat to their food supply. They can also be aggressive and vicious when engaged in territorial disputes. They are not "mean".

What measure of central location is used to determine an average annual percent increase?

The geometric mean can be used to find average percent change over a period of time.

How kinds of mean in statistic?

There are numerous different types of mean, some a lot more used than others. thhe main ones are: * Arithmetic mean * Geometric mean * Harmonic mean

How did the Romans do there arithmetic?

They used an abacus calculating device to solve complicated arithmetic problems.

Calculation of the arithmetic mean for grouped data which value is used to represent all the values in a particular class?

The class midpoint

What does positive deviation mean?

It means that the observed value is greater than that which might be expected under the model being used. Often, it is deviation from the [arithmetic] mean.