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Q: What does residental mean?
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What exams do you need to be an electrician?

Residential Electrician Exam (Certified Electrician for Residential Only) Journeyman Electrician Exam (For Residental and Commercial) Master Electrician Exam (For Residental and Commercial)

How much is Internet and Phone Service through Verizon?

The price is dependant on the speed and type of connection (residental, buisness, ect). The residental plans range between $49.99 and $69.99, depending on speed.

Where do people live in Dodge City?

Residental Neighborhoods if you live in town.

What are some of key issues faced by residents in a residental care setting?

What is the pay difference between residential and industrial painters?

Industrial are paid more since they are using a different type of paint for the buildings that are longer lasting then residental. Residental you can get for an affordable rate with good research.

Is it agest in law to play football in a residental area?

yes it is against the law

Can you sign yourself out of a residental treatment facility if you are 18?

Not if you have been court ordered to be there. Otherwise, you probably can.

Are there laws for residental homes to have plastic piping?

Yes - you need to check local building codes as it varies.

How much time in jail for discharging a firearm in residental building?

You need a lawyer for a legal, current and correct answer.

Why is a Michigan monkey flower endangered?

because of recreational and residental development. Increase of construction decreases their habitat greatly

What is meaning of R zone in land?

r zone means residental area. you can build for only building this area.

Can father get full custody if mother is in a residental treament center?

Yes, although it may be an order for temporary custody.