

What does revise mean in math?

Updated: 9/22/2023
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Q: What does revise mean in math?
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Study more frequently Revise Try to get yourself to be more interested in math

How do you revise a math problem?

by looking over answer to see if it is correct

What does revise or update mean in math terms?

It means the same as in any other context: to change or reassess the result so as to take account of changes in the input.

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Study hard, understand the lesson and revise thoroughly !

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What does it mean revise and resubmit?

Correct what is written, and then have it checked again.

Which word could mean to change again?

"Revise" could mean to change again.

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Try your hardest, forget every thing that's happening in the room and concentrate. The night before revise really hard.

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ummm. revise alot and practise your math because you can never know what they might start teaching you.

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they revise and revise and revise

What does it mean to revise apiece of writing?

To make sure the draft is written clearly