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Q: What does rightward axis mean on an ECG?
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How would Damaged heart tissue affect mean electrical axis?

damages or disease of the heart could cause changes of the path of depolarization (mean electrical axis). such affects would result in abnormalities in ECG trace. ultimately causing MEA to be off

What is a rightward shift of a supply curve?

A rightward shift is an increase in supply.

What unit do you measure the amplitude of an ECG wave?

The amplitude of an ECG wave is typically measured in millimeters (mm) on the vertical axis of the ECG graph. It represents the voltage or electrical activity of the heart muscle during each phase of the cardiac cycle.

The vertical axis of the ecg paper measures?

EKG paper is a grid where time is measured along the horizontal axis, of EKG graph paper and where to measure the components of the EKG wave form.

What does the medical abbreviation SA-ECG mean?

Sinus rhythm .

What does it mean if there is no heart beat and a straight line on an ECG?

then there dead

What does procedure code 93000 mean?

Chg - ecg routine ecg w/least 12 lds w/i&r [93000 (cpt is for what

Describe the shape of an ECG trace?

An ECG trace typically shows a series of waveforms - P wave (atrial depolarization), QRS complex (ventricular depolarization), and T wave (ventricular repolarization) - on a graph with time plotted on the x-axis and voltage on the y-axis. The shape can vary depending on the heart's rhythm and any abnormalities present.

What does nil acute mean on a ecg result?

medically fit

How can a heart murmur affect an ECG?

It won't. But in the long term the murmur (depending on which valve is affected) will cause hypertrophy of cardiac muscles for the different ventricles/atria. And the hypertrophy will be detected by the ECG because it will change the cardiac axis. Murmurs are easily heard using a stethoscope so and ECG isn't useful. An ECG monitors the electric impulses of the heart muscle - so better to see heart blocks, infarcts, hypertrophy, AF, SVT etc

What does high T waves on ECG mean?

High potassium in cells. hyperkalemia

What does y axis mean?

The y-axis is the vertical axis on a graph.