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Q: What does say not that thousands are gone turn out your tens of thousands throw not the burden of the day upon providence but show your faith by your works that god may bless you mean?
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Are revivals mentioned in the Bible?

No. The term revival is not Biblical, but there are examples in the book of Acts of instances of thousands of people coming to faith in single sermons.

Where in the bible does it talk about catholic faith?

The Bible never speaks of the Catolic faith nor was it written by Catholics. The people of the Bible, specifically the New Testament, where not considered one religion or title. They were simply called Christians. In fact, the Bible contradicts the Catholic faith, beliefs, and standards. What is considered the Pentecostal/Apostolic faith is written about, yet not specifically. That is simply what the Pentecostal/Apostolic church is founded on and has been founded on for thousands of years. Again they and their 'religion' was only considered Christianity.

What are the some filipino values that use until now?

Some Filipino Values that we use until now is to be a Religious,we devote time to connect with our God,we have strong Faith,beleiving that problems and adversities in life will surpass with the help and providence of our God.We still respect the elders no matter how the situation occurred.

What are the five themes of the book of James from the Bible KJV version?

The themes in James are the growth of faith, the works of faith, the power of faith, the validity of faith, and the reassurance of faith. Faith without it being carried out in daily life is dead faith.

Bible verse gift under bush?

Ummmm. No. It's a fairytale. because of the amount of other religions that have the exact same story as Jesus. ( a handful from thousands of years before Christianity) it is put in the "Mythology" category . Free will before faith.

Related questions

Can you have faith for someone who has no faith?

Yes, you can. I have faith for a friend that she will convert to Christianity. Thank you ang god bless!

What are the release dates for Faith in Providence - 2007?

Faith in Providence - 2007 was released on: USA: 23 December 2007 (TV premiere) USA: 10 September 2008 (Cincinnati, Ohio) USA: 8 November 2008 (Springfield, Massachusetts)

What happens if you have faith that you will find your ideal partner or the one you desire and will it happen?

If u truly have faith and believe then God might just bless u

How can family represent faith?

by representing God's love grace and forgiveness to eachother, and others. God Bless you

What People with faith in god long to understand and obey.?

Laws I am pretty sure that the answer! Hope you get an A! God Bless

What is a Religious gathering to restore faith?

Revivals are commonly known to build the faith of the congregation and to "revive" them! They are great! God bless you! ~Galatians 2:20

What biblical allusions appear in Crisis No 1 by Thomas Paine?

But "show your faith by your works" comes from James 2:18 "Show me thy faith without they works, and I will show thee my faith by my works." Another involves the idea of thousands and tens of thouseands which come from "Saul hath slain his thousands and David his ten thousands.

What does it mean in Muslim faith to bless your feet and walk around you 3 times?

there is no such thing with Muslim, i think you confused of Hinduism.

Why you can't bless something?

I asked myself this many times. If you dont have the kinda faith to where you know that god is going to bless as you ask because you are obedient to him and submissive, well then you wont be blessing anything but someone sneezing ;)

How can the sign of the crosS and holy water connect closely to CATHOLIC faith?

Jesus was baptized so we bless ourselves with it to help cleanse ourselves Jesus was crucified so we bless ourselves with the sign of the cross to help us remember it.

Are there a lot of kids with life threatening conditions like me?

I'm sure you are not alone......are you talking about a certain condition? God bless and keep the faith.

What is interesting about providence?

As far as I know, with the arguable exception of Santa Fe ( New Mexico)- which means Holy Faith) it is the only state capital with a religious monicker.