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Q: What does set me adrift on the bay tonight mean?
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Was Hudson Bay named after Henry Hudson?

Yes. Hudson is presumed to have died in 1611 in Hudson Bay, Canada, after he was set adrift with his son and seven others by his crewmen, following a mutiny.

Which ocean was Henry Hudson sailing in when he died?

Henry Hudson was set adrift in Hudson's Bay, in northern Canada which is linked to the Arctic Ocean.

What are the release dates for Survive This - 2007 Set Adrift?

Survive This - 2007 Set Adrift was released on: USA: 14 June 2010

Which explorer was sent adrift by his crew to die?

Henry Hudson was set adrift with some of his crew after a mutiny.

What happened to Hudson's crew after they set Hudson adrift?

they got f uking killed and don't say that's mean

What happened to Bligh and his crew after they were set adrift?

There ship sunk

In the movie clash of the titans Perseus and his mother were set adrift in the ocean by whom?

Perseus and his mother(Danae) were sent adrift by Danae's father King Acrisius.

What happend to Henry Hudson?

His boat was set adrift and never seen again

What happened to Henry Hudson after hi discovery of Hudson Bay?

It is almost certain that he and one son perished in the Arctic from cold and starvation. Hudson, his son, and some crewmen were set adrift in a small boat by his mutinous crew. No trace of their bodies was ever found.He and one son perished in the Arctic from the cold and starvation. Hudson, his son, and some crewmen were set adrift in a small boat by his mutinous crew. No trace of their bodies was ever found.

What happened to Henry Hudson after his discovery of Hudson Bay .?

It is almost certain that he and one son perished in the Arctic from cold and starvation. Hudson, his son, and some crewmen were set adrift in a small boat by his mutinous crew. No trace of their bodies was ever found.He and one son perished in the Arctic from the cold and starvation. Hudson, his son, and some crewmen were set adrift in a small boat by his mutinous crew. No trace of their bodies was ever found.

Which English explorer was set adrift by mutineers and never seen again?

Although there are several to choose from, I believe that you are referring to Henry Hudson. His final exploration started in 1610, and ended when he was left in the Hudson Bay in the spring of 1611 by his mutinying crew.

How old was John Hudson when he was set adrift with his father Henry Hudson?

He was 34 years old.