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It means the outline of a 2 dimensional figure

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Q: What does shape mean in math or in geometry?
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What does kites have to do with math?

a kite is a shape in geometry, and math. it resembles a rhombus, a diamond like shape used in math and geometry.

What does coungruent mean in math?

Congruent in geometry means 2 shapes containing the same shape and size

What is geometric figures?

these involves geometry and math it is the shape for example the circle and the square...................

What does equal mean in geometry?

"Equal" means they are the same whether in geometry or another math.

What does the math term interior mean?

Interior means within, like the interior of a house. If you are doing geometry, the interior of a shape is it's inside.

What does geometry mean in math?

It means slanted surface.

What is geometry math?

Geometry in math is the study of shapes

What is perimeterWhy do we need perimeter?

perimeter is the largest length of the shape we need.It due to geometry concept in math

What is the difference between geometry and math?

Geometry is a type of math. Math encompasses many types of numerical patterns. Geometry is math that applies to geometric shapes.

What does conclusion mean in math term?

conclusion in geometry means the answer that you and your group came up to and that is what the word conclusion means in geometry.

How is geomerty used?

It is used almost everyday. If you draw geometry is important also geometry is important in other math classes as well. Any shape you see is geometric.

What is cyllnder in math?

it is a 3-D shape. a can is a cylinder. I would say a cylinder is more related to geometry, though.