It Means That Shes Japones And Shes An Actrez And Gypsy
Ten Times Ten Times Ten
It means ten times or ten lots of.
I presume you mean: 'What is ten - five?' The answer to that is 5.
Ten minutes past six.
Means shes hot.. 10 out of 10
she can be mean...but cant we all? tyler thinks shes mean though...he thinks shes the devil! haha
it means that shes not there or shes on vacation
It Means That Shes Japones And Shes An Actrez And Gypsy
It depends whats shes in too but at ten i always wanted a hamster
Shes either being sarcastic or shes impressed
yeah shes REALLY mean she yelled at me in class her daughters mean as well kiara has a friend ABBEY shes even meaner
ten things i hate about you & shes the man
Taylor watman was born 13000000000000 year's ago and shes ten
i think shes about nine or ten
shes eats
Yes it does man......