If the numerator and the denominator of a fraction have a GCF of 1, the fraction is in its simplest form or lowest terms; it cannot be reduced any further.
If you mean: 1249% then as a fraction it is 1249/100 in its lowest terms
If you mean 74/80 then it is 37/40 in its lowest terms
To combine all like terms on both sides and reduce it to its simplest form
If you mean 19/76 then it is 1/4 in its lowest terms
If you mean 33/77 then divide the numerator and denominator by 11 and then it is 3/7 in its lowest terms
If you mean: 1249% then as a fraction it is 1249/100 in its lowest terms
If the numerator and the denominator of a fraction have a GCF of 1, the fraction is said to be in its simplest form, or lowest terms. 2/3 is the simplest form of 4/6. 2/3 is in its lowest terms.
Find the GCF of the numerator and denominator and divide them both by it. If the GCF is 1, the fraction is in its lowest terms, also known as simplest form.
If you mean 41/46 then it is already in its lowest terms
If you mean 14/10 then it is 7/5 in its lowest terms
If you mean 74/80 then it is 37/40 in its lowest terms
To combine all like terms on both sides and reduce it to its simplest form
It is already in its lowest terms as 7100 or if you mean 7/100
If you mean 4/8 then it is 1/2 in its lowest terms
If you mean 0.12 as a fraction in its lowest terms then it is 3/25
If you mean 16/24 then it is 2/3 in its lowest terms
If you mean 19/76 then it is 1/4 in its lowest terms