Simplest form for a fraction is to basically divide the numerator and denominator equally so that their HCF is 1.
For example, 24/100 simplified is (24/4)/(100/4)= 6/25.
Simplest form for a decimal as to omit the zeroes at the last places.
For example, 39.062500 simplified into its simplest form is 39.0625.
It refers to reducing a term or an equation to a form closest to a complete answer or the answer itself. For example, 12+3y+3+y is simpler if you reduce it to 15+4y. The fraction 12/24 is simpler if reduced to 1/2.
Actually, in the easiest way u can do, 8 and 24 are both divisible by 2 so 4/12, but u can do it again so 2/6, and again 1/3.
If the GCF of the numerator and the denominator is 1, the fraction is in its simplest form.
81% means, = 81/100 -----------------------the simplest form
simplest form is when you take a fraction and you reduce it so it cant be reduced anymore
Its in its simplest form because 43 is a prime number,which means only 1 and its self can go into it .
258% means 258/100 so....... 129/50 simplest form
Well, honey, 28 over 27 is already in its simplest form. It's not like that fraction is going to the gym to work out and get any simpler. So just leave it be and let it live its best fraction life.
Simplest form means the most exact value without approximating.
If the GCF of the numerator and the denominator is 1, the fraction is in its simplest form.
81% means, = 81/100 -----------------------the simplest form
simplest form is when you take a fraction and you reduce it so it cant be reduced anymore
Its in its simplest form because 43 is a prime number,which means only 1 and its self can go into it .
258% means 258/100 so....... 129/50 simplest form
94% means 94/100 = 47/50 simplest form
58% means 58/100 = 29/50 ---------------- simplest form with 2 factored out
57 is prime. Prime means it can only be multiplied by the number and 1. 57/100 is in its simplest form.
48% means 48/10048/100reduces to, ( factor out the 4 )12/25=====simplest form
If you need help with sum in simplest form you would need to provide the sum. Simplest form means that the sum is simplified to the least possible form.