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Six-sigma is a quality control program that strives for less than 3.4 defects in a million opportunities; or near perfection. In statistics, sigma represents areas under a bell curve (similar to IQ normal curves). If all defects fall outside the shaded area (outside three sigma on either side, where the center is perfect and all shaded areas are acceptable) there is very little shaded area (defects) left.

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Q: What does six sigma training mean?
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Why sigma is used in 6 sigma?

sigma represents standard deviation. In a normal distribution, +/- 1 sigma from the mean, for instance, corresponds to approximately 67% of the area under the normal distribution. +/- 2 sigma corrresponds to 95% of the area and +/- 3 sigma from the mean corresponds to 99% of the area under a normal distribution. The area that is covered under +/- six sigma from the mean corresponds to nearly 100% -- that is, the part of the area NOT under that +/- 6 sigma is in the 10^-15 range or 1/1,000,000,000,000,000. The six sigma name borrows from this to suggest that the method gives this degree of certainty: that in 999,999,999,999,999 in 1,000,000,000,000,000 cases the result will be predictable. It does nothing, however, to explain how an agricultural process management methodology applies to other fields.

What does sigma stand for in six sigma?

In Six Sigma, "sigma" is actually a statistical measure of standard deviation. It represents how far a process is from perfect. Six Sigma seeks to have minimal defects and variations while achieving near-perfect quality with a mere 3.4 defects per million opportunities. Start your certification path today! Visit iCert Global and apply code LIVE10 for an instant 10% off your course.

What is the percent equivalent of 6 sigma?

If Six Sigma = 0.999999, then in percentage terms that would be 99.9999%.

What is the difference between 3 sigma and six sigma?

3 Sigma is 66800 defects per million pieces 6 Sigma is 3-4 defects per million pieces You can check out the number of defective pieces per million & the % accuracy for all Sigma levels in the six sigma conversion chart in the related links section

What are the tools are used in six sigma?

Quantitative skills

Related questions

Training in Six Sigma?

Due to increasing demand on six sigma, many professionals are trying to get certification through professional training platforms . For getting certification there are many courses you need to complete the six Sigma training and also you need an expert whom you can get from professional training course providers.

What is six sigma training and how can I get more information?

You can get more information about six sigma training and schools by going to this website

How do I begin to learn about six sigma online training?

You can begin your online training about six sigma at a web site called it is a great place to start. You get all the training you will need to know everything about six sigma!

Classifyq Lean Six Sigma?

Transform Your Leadership with Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Training 

Information on free six sigma training.?

The Six Sigma training has helped a lot of people develop better businesses. You can sign up for it on the official Six Sigma website: make sure you read reviews written by people who have taken this training to make sure this is what you are looking for.

Where do I get six sigma training in the US?

DMSS is Design and Manufacturing Six Sigma, they offer the full four week course.

Where can I find online six sigma training?

Many students choose our Lean Six Sigma Training & DFSS Six Sigma program as an alternative to our Green Belt Certification Program. This program covers many of the specifics that are covered in the Green Belt Program including basic DFSS implementation, however also teaches Lean processed

Is there six sigma online training?

Six Sigma is a business management strategy. It was develop in USA in 1986 by Motorola. it is widely used in sectors industry. Yes there is several online training websites

Where can I get six sigma training online?

Six Sigma Online and Villanova both offer online training opportunities. You just go to one of their websites and follow the instructions to register and become certified.

Is Six Sigma Training primarily to lose weight?

Yes Six Sigma Training is primarily to lose weight, but there are numerous reports that is is a fad and it will fail if it is used as a direct way to lose weight.

How do I get a lean six sigma certification in the Denver, Colorado area?

visit them at: about them: Six Sigma Training Courses - Six Sigma Certification Six Sigma us was the first Six Sigma provider to offer the first two weeks of the Green Belt and Black Belt together. This 2+2 format allows for Green Belts and Black Belts to attend training together, thus improving internal synergy while providing greater organizational flexibility. We deliver a full range of onsite Six Sigma Champion leadership courses for organizations deploying Six Sigma.

Where can a Six Sigma Certification be obtained?

A Six Sigma Certification can be obtained at Villanova University. It can be done entirely online. Professionals who obtain the Six Sigma training can earn more than $12,000 than their peers.