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Q: What does size and shape relate to?
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Comparing Cells - size and shape relate to what?

The cells size and shape relate to its function.

How do molecules and organelles relate?

They relate because they have the same shape and size.

How does the size of a pluton relate to where it was found?

The size of a pluton is related to the depth at which it was formed within the Earth's crust. Larger plutons are typically found deeper in the crust, while smaller ones are found closer to the surface. This is because the size of a pluton is influenced by the amount of magma that accumulated and solidified at different depths during the cooling process.

Comparing cells size and shape are related to?

Cell size and shape are related to their specific functions and metabolic requirements. Larger cells may have more organelles to support specialized functions, while certain shapes (such as elongated nerve cells) are optimized for efficient signal transmission. Overall, cell size and shape play a crucial role in determining how a cell interacts with its environment and carries out its physiological processes.

How did gravity relate the shape and size of the universe?

Gravity plays a significant role in shaping and determining the size of the universe. The gravitational pull between matter causes regions of higher density to collapse, leading to the formation of structures like galaxies and galaxy clusters. The overall geometry and size of the universe are influenced by the balance between the expansion driven by dark energy and the gravitational pull trying to pull matter together.

How does the maxillary angle and palate shape relate to the size of each species' mouth?

I am a doctor in paleontology, this question is incredibly easy. The maxillary angle is not related to the size of the species' mouth. You should go back to school you noob.

Does size of hands and feet relate to penis size?

no they dont

How does mars size relate to other planet size?

uranus is bigger

How does size relate to density?

Density = Mass/Volume or mass/size.

How does a plant cell shape relate to its function?

kiss my bootayyy

Does congruent mean having the same size and shape?

Yes, it does. A congruent shape has the same shape and size as another shape. A shape that is similar is the same shape, just a different size, like a proportion.

What is the error in shape size or distance?

error in shape,size,or distance