It means a large area where few people live, and they are scattered around the area, not all in one place.
The Atlantic Coast is the most populated area of the Americas. Other majorly populated areas are the Pacific Coast, Central America, and the Gulf Coast.
A British Overseas Territory is usually a small British island like St. Helena or Falklands dependent on economic aid, sparesly populated by British Citizens who have no interest in independence but maintain ties, customs and the the traditions of the United Kingdom.
It means it will be calculated
an area that has a small population
populated area or town
What do you mean by place? The most populated city is Shanghai, China with almost 14 million people.
What do you mean what area? Is it in the U.S. or all over the world. The most highly populated place in the world is India
something with the most people/things.
a large amount of people or animals
If you mean populated by the various animals it is because the environment can support so many different types of species.
It means that it is densely populated ie there are a lot of people living there.
its OVER populated
its not populated