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Abbreviation of Latin word Statim meaning immediately.

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Q: What does stat mean in a hospital setting?
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It means that boy has something seriously wrong medically. Get him to a hospital, stat!

What does the adt acronym mean in a hospital setting?

Admission, Discharge, Transfer

What does care setting mean?

Care setting means the environment in which a patient is cared for on a daily basis. A care setting could be a hospital, a nursing home or a respite center.

Definition of hospital nursing?

Hospital nursing is administering care to a person in the setting of a facility such as a hospital, instead of in a home like setting.

What causes your central heating to kick on and off constantly?

TEMPERATURE CHANGES Too close of a differential setting on the T-stat. Try widening differential setting or replacing stat also, is the stat mounted on an outside or otherwise chilly wall, if so either relocate or insulate behind it.

What does outpatient physical therapy mean?

Basically stating you are receiving therapy not in a hospital / nursing home setting.

What does stat mean in french?

stat is an abbreviation for statistique, (statistical / statistics)

What is a synonym for pronto?

Stat (in a medical setting). Quick, rapid, now, ASAP, hurry.

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how many national patient safety goals to hospital setting

What does the medical abbreviation FHM mean?

FHM can mean fetal heart monitor in an obstretrical setting, or can mean Fellow of Hospital Medicine if found at the end of a physician's credentials.

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Physicians who are authorized to practice only in a hospital setting are called?

Physicians who are authorized to practice only in a hospital setting are called hospitalists.