A straight run is a 1:1 ratio of males and females, or an equal amount of each. A "pullet" is a female. The 1:1 is an 'average'. The actual ratio varies. When purchasing chicks the true count comes out of what ever hatches. Eggs are hatched 10,000 to 100,000 at a time. If there are more females to males in that hatch you get more females..... You get a straight run by them pulling your 25, 50 or 100 from those. No one actually sexes that many birds without an order for all males or all females.
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The trajectory of the motion is a straight line.
The more common idiom is "stiff as a board," meaning "very stiff." Unless used ironically, like "straight as a crooked stick" or "straight as a politician's promise," the expression "straight as a board" would mean "very straight." When referring to "straight as..........." the term usually is as straight as a die
Alektorophobia is the fear of chickens; particularly the eggs and feathers either alive or dead.
If you mean as a verb then here is an example, "I will weigh the chickens." It is the action in the sentence.
yes..if by straight you mean they have no curvature. just double checking.