0 (Zero)
In division, the quotient means the answer, the sum, difference, or product.
No. The sum is the answer to an addition problem. The difference is the answer to a subtraction problem.
Sum is the result of an addition problem, while difference is the result of a subtraction problem. Addend Subtractend + Addend - Subtractor Sum Difference
The sum is the answer for adding and the difference is the answer for subtracting...
0 (Zero)
Product is the answer in a multiplication problem; Sum is the answer in an addition problem; Quotient is the answer in a division problem; Difference is the answer in a subtraction problem.
sum is addition difference is subtraction
the sum is 59.54 and the difference is 32.02.
program SumAndDifference; var num1, num2, sum, difference: integer; begin write('Enter first number: '); read(num1); write('Enter second number: '); read(num2); sum := num1 + num2; difference := num1 - num2; if sum > difference then written('The sum is greater: ', sum) else written('The difference is greater: ', difference); end. This program will prompt the user to enter two numbers, calculate their sum and difference, and then compare the two values. If the sum is greater than the difference, it will display the sum; otherwise, it will display the difference.
The final sum, difference, product or quotient. Usually, it's the answer.
In division, the quotient means the answer, the sum, difference, or product.
No. The sum is the answer to an addition problem. The difference is the answer to a subtraction problem.
the opposite of a sum is the difference
difference: The sum of 5 and 3 is 8. The difference is 2.