105 is the sum
To find the prime factors, start with the obvious ones. 4914 is even so divide it by 2 and we get 2457. The digit sum of this is 9, so divide by 9 (3x3) and get 273. The digit sum divides by 3 so divide by 3 and get 91, which is 13x7. So in total we have 2, 3, 3, 3, 7 and 13 as the prime factors of 4914
63? But it has more than two one-digit factors.
1+0+3 is the digit sum of 103
105 is the sum
105 is the sum
What is the sum of greatest 3-digit 4-digit 5digit
To find the prime factors, start with the obvious ones. 4914 is even so divide it by 2 and we get 2457. The digit sum of this is 9, so divide by 9 (3x3) and get 273. The digit sum divides by 3 so divide by 3 and get 91, which is 13x7. So in total we have 2, 3, 3, 3, 7 and 13 as the prime factors of 4914
63? But it has more than two one-digit factors.
The greatest 3-digit number is 999. 9+9+9 = 27 The sum of the greatest 3-digit number is 27.
1+0+3 is the digit sum of 103