Tenaciously is the adverb of tenacity.
Precision means the quality of being precise. What time did the event happen? Sometime in the evening. Can you state that with more precision? About six-thirty in the evening. Can you state it with even more precision than that? Alright, it was six thirty-two and seventeen point three two five seconds. Tenacity means the quality of being tenacious, of holding on. It can be both literal and figurative. The tenacity of the dog's bite is so great that the person who is bitten can pick the dog up by his teeth and shake him, and he will not let go. Or more figuratively, Edison's tenacity in trying to create a working light bulb is shown by the number of different filaments he unsuccessfully tested before finding one that worked.
bullheadedness, determination, doggedness, hardheadedness, mulishness, obstinance, obstinateness, pertinaciousness, pertinacity, perversity, pigheadedness, purpose, reluctance, tenaciousness, tenacity, willfulness
No, but sometimes "average" means "mean" - when it doesn't mean median, geometric mean, or something else entirely.
The answer will depend on who you mean by HE.The answer will depend on who you mean by HE.The answer will depend on who you mean by HE.The answer will depend on who you mean by HE.
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Tenacity, tenacity and tenacity.
hold ing on to somthing and dont let go
hold ing on to somthing and dont let go
Tenaciously is the adverb of tenacity.
specific example of the method of tenacity, method of authority
The term "tenacity" is used to describe the constant, ongoing determination of someone. "Tenacity" is a noun that is related to the adjective "tenacious".
He is a seasoned veteran who shows a great tenacity for the game.
'Stick-to-it-iveness' is a colloquialism that means 'tenacity'. The cat that is hanging onto the clothesline for dear life will have to rely on his tenacity.
"The way you were boxing then, with such tenacity and strength, it made me weep for more!"
If you want to become a doctor, tenacity is a trait that you had better have.