The tens digit is the digit in the last but one place before (to the left of) the decimal point of a fraction or the end of an integer.
It is 100 units.
Use workmat5 and hundereds,tens,and ones
The tens' place is one place to the left of the units' place. Equivalently, it is second to the left of the decimal point.
what does key mean in math
The tens digit is the digit in the last but one place before (to the left of) the decimal point of a fraction or the end of an integer.
It is 100 units.
302 rounded to the nearest tens place is 300
0 tens of thousand
The number you are looking for is 74.
Use workmat5 and hundereds,tens,and ones
The tens' place is one place to the left of the units' place. Equivalently, it is second to the left of the decimal point.
the thousands place in math is1000^thousands place^ hundreds place^tens place^ ones place
nine now go to math class
so if you had the number 71 ther is 7 tens and reminder 1