SAT is a test that measures a students academics. SAT stands for Scholastic Aptitude Test and it is a required test to get into most universities.
No, the original SAT test does not have calculus. The SAT Subject Test for Math 2 also does not have calculus.
The student sat in his desk for the whole class.
no it is a verb because you don't describe something as sat, sat is an action you are doing so it's a verbNo, it is a verb
The online SAT's do prepare you for the SAT test because the SAT questions do not test intelligence rather they are predictable. Because they are not an IQ test, similar questions can be practiced online to help a student achieve a higher score easily.
"Sat" is a verb, so it does not have a plural form. Sat is the past tense of sit. "Sits" is also not a plural, but it is another form of the verb.
The word SAT means Scholastic Assessment Test. I am assuming that you are referring to the schooling term for SAT
V Sat stands for Vendor Satisfaction
The SAT formerly stood for Scholastic Aptitude Test / Scholastic Assessment Test but now it does not stand for anything.
Read - read Stand - stood Sit - sat Kick - kicked Talk - talked
The expansion used to be SAT: Scholastic Apptitude Test. Then it got changed to Scholastic Achievement Test. Once it was figured out that the SAT measures not apptitude nor achievement, the SAT doesn't stand for anything now. Interesting enough, look at SAT when it is written by the ETS and there aren't periods after each letter (like they used to be), which indicates that SAT is no longer an abbreviation.
Sat, Collapsed, Sent back! :) this is what SCS the sofa company's name stands for.
any one who could get there from the royals and they sat in the overtop and the poorest of people and they would stand on the ground
King Arthur was known for his stand on chivarly. A round table had no head, therefore everybody who sat at it was equal.
I'm sorry - is the 1350 on the new SAT, or the old? If it's on the new, 3 part SAT (with the writing section), then that is way too low for NYU/Stern. If it's on the old, 2 part SAT (the one without the writing section), then you stand a chance.
Arthur will most likely stand up and can't believe he actually sat in wet paint/
I am not sure if you can get into a good college but you can surely get into a great junior college. If you have some kind of scholarship in sports, then you stand a chance to get into a nice college even with bad SAT scores!
THEA stands for Texas Higher Education Assessment. Like the ACT and SAT, it is intended as a college admissions test.