

What does the SEC regulate?

Updated: 9/15/2023
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Q: What does the SEC regulate?
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What does the Securities exchange commission SEC do?

To regulate the Stock Market.

What was created to regulate stock market and prevent fraud?


What are the government entities regulate the securities that Yahoo issues?

The SEC more info at

What historical event led to the creation of the SEC?

The crash of 1929/Great Depression led to the creation of the SEC. One of the main reasons it was created was to regulate the stock market.

What 1934 body created to regulate the stock market?

Securities and Exchange Commission

What agency did Congress create to regulate the sales of stocks and bonds?

The Securities and exchange Commission (SEC) was established on June 6, 1934.

What has been created to regulate specific areas of American life?

Various regulatory agencies and laws have been created to regulate specific areas of American life. These include the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to regulate food and drug safety, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to regulate environmental issues, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to regulate telecommunications and media, and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to regulate financial markets and protect investors, among many others.

What is the regulatory commission tasked with the oversight of publicly traded companies?

The regulatory commission that oversees publicly traded companies is the Securities and Exchange Commission or better known by it's initials the "SEC." The SEC was formed in 1934 to enforce the Securities Act of 1933. The SEC is an independent regulatory agency that is to regulate the stock market and prevent corporate abuses regarding to the selling and buying securities. Most of the abuses that the SEC attempts to tackle is called "Insider Trading," where a member of the Board of Directors or an employee of the company attempts to sway the market for his or his own personal gain by using information that is not public. The SEC was created to overt another 1929 market crash. Corporations are required to file reports annually to the SEC.

How do you write a c program to convert time in sec to time?

main() { int sec=00,min=00,hr=00; printf("Enter time in seconds"); scanf("%d",&sec); if (sec<60) printf("%d :%d : %d",hr,min,sec); else if(sec>=60) min=int(sec/60); sec=int(sec%60); printf("%d: %d : %d",hr,min,sec); else if (sec>=3600) min=int(sec/60); sec=int(sec/60) hr=int(min/60); printf("%d : %d : %d",hr,sec,min); }

What is the ratio of two minutes to five seconds?

2mins : 5 sec = 2x60 sec : 5 sec = 120 sec : 5 sec = 120:5 = 120/5 = 24

Was the SEC successful?

The SEC was an awesome thing.