This category includes establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing machinery for sawmills, for making particleboard and similar products, and for otherwise working or producing wood products.
Possibly a protractor...
You have to measure with a ruler and find the perimeter, area, and circumference of anything your measureing.
Originally the Latin word 'prunus' was limited to plums. Later it was made to include cherries and apricots. Later still, the peach, almonds and nectarines were included in this category
Yes, 6.32 is a real number. Real numbers include all rational and irrational numbers, and 6.32 falls within this category because it can be expressed as a terminating decimal.
Example: sneakers: shoes :: lipstick: makeup What is an item and category analogy? Sneakers belong to the category of shoes, just as lipstick belongs to the category of makeup. Hope this helped you!!! ;)
NAICS 333210 applies to Sawmill and Woodworking Machinery Manufacturing.
David Van Schaack has written: 'Woodworking safeguards for the prevention of accidents in lumbering and woodworking industries' -- subject(s): Woodworking machinery, Accidents, Prevention
The Coe Manufacturing Co., founded in 1852, was one of the first companies to manufacture computerized woodworking machinery, introducing a computer-controlled veneer lathe in 1977.
302 establishments operated in this category for some or all of 2001. Industry-wide employment totaled 8,208 workers receiving a payroll of more than $287 million.
Harold Riley Hudson has written: 'Woodworking machinery'
Delta International Machinery Corp. of Pittsburgh was the 2001 industry leader with sales of nearly $1.4 billion and 700 employees.
C. R. Tompkins has written: 'The woodworkers' manual' -- subject(s): Woodworking machinery
W. H. Rohr has written: 'Machine molder practice' -- subject(s): Woodworking machinery
A lot of airborne dust is produced when woodworking machinery - such as saws, drills, sanders and lathes - are being used. A powerful extractor fan can help to remove such dust from the woodworking area and thus can help to make it a much more healthy place for people to work in all day.
Joseph Denig has written: 'Small sawmill handbook' -- subject(s): Handbooks, manuals, Sawmills, Woodworking machinery
Robert Ernest Smith has written: 'Units in forging and welding' -- subject(s): Forging, Welding 'Machine woodworking' -- subject(s): Woodwork, Woodworking machinery 'Forging and welding' -- subject(s): Forging, Welding