786 abbreviation stand for bismillah-i-rehman-e- raheem
Pi is (probably) an abbreviation for a Greek word meaning "perimeter" or "periphery" ... the original source is not exactly clear.
What is PICOM
BLR IS the abbreviation.
There isn't an abbreviation for the word investigator. There is one however an abbreviation for the term private investigator. That abbreviation is PI.
786 abbreviation stand for bismillah-i-rehman-e- raheem
Cnty is the abbreviation for County.
Supt is the abbreviation for Superintendent
"BBQ" is the abbreviation of "barbecue."
what does beds stand for
PI isn't an abbreviation it's a number, it's a measurement around a circle.
Pi is (probably) an abbreviation for a Greek word meaning "perimeter" or "periphery" ... the original source is not exactly clear.
St. is the abbreviation for saint or street.
what does the abbriviation OECS stand for